The Military Veteran

Are grants available to Veterans for the purchase of an automobile?

Although there is a grant program available to veterans for an auto purchase, you must meet specific requirements in order to take advantage of this benefit. If you qualify, you may purchase a new or used automobile to accommodate a disability. The funds will be paid directly to the seller. Up to $11,000 is available for your purchase. This grant may only be used once within your lifetime.


Do I qualify?

You qualify for an auto grant if you have one of the following service-connected disabilities:

I already have a car; will the VA install adaptive equipment into my current vehicle?

The adaptive equipment grant is available to certain service-connected veterans who need to specially adapt their vehicle to accommodate their disability. It is recommended that you contact your local VA office to ensure coverage prior to purchasing any equipment. This benefit may be used more than once. Once qualified, the VA will send payment for such adaptive equipment to either the seller or you, the veteran.

How can I apply?

To apply, submit VA VADocs 21-4502.pdf, Application for Automobile or Other Conveyance and Adaptive Equipment, with your local VA office.

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* While The Military Veteran strives to keep the most up-to-date information, we can not guarantee the complete accuracy of such provided. All data utilized has been gathered through research of the Department of Veterans Affairs and other government agencies.
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